
亚马逊 3年前 (2022) iow
20.6K 0 0





We reviewed your account and determined that you may no longer sell on Amazon. com. Your listings have been removed from our site.This decision was partly made due to our inabilit to

Verify information provided for or related to your seller account. This information inchudes but is not lmited to selling history and listing.

Please ship any open orders. If you have any funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer. You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to

If you believe this decision was made in error and would like to appeal this decision,click the Appeal button next to this messageon the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central(http://sellercentral amazon .com/gp/customer -experience/perf-notifications.html)


Seller Performance Team



We are receiving your account, Funds will not be transferred to you during the review but will stay in your account.

You can view your account balance, estimated payment schedule and reserved amount

On the Payments page in the Reports section of seller centarl (http://sellercentral amazon .com/gp/paymentsaccount/settlement.summary.html)

Please continue to ship your orders and only list items that you can ship by the expected ship date.

You can help by sending us more information about your business. when you are ready send us your plan, please submit your plan of action by following this link(http://sellercentral.amazoncom/cu/contact-us).

To leam more about account reviews, search for Velocity Limits and Account Reviews in Seller Central Help.

We will send you an email when our review is complete.


Dear Amazon,

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to appeal the removal of our Amazon selling privileges .Please see our following information.

Our selling privileges has been removed by Amazon on August,11th, 2019. Amazon removed our selling privileges because some of our listings violated related Amazon policies,especially infringed intellectual property rights of some rights holders.

First,we apologize...


Third,as for the violated brands ********and violated ASINs:*******...

1.Why Amazon removed our selling privileges

1.1 Amazon thinks those products are related to brand intellectual property violation...

1.2 Everyone should respect other rights holders’ legal interests...

2.How we solve the problem and prevent the mistakes happen again


2.1 ...

2.2 ...

2.3 ...

2.4 ...

2.5 ...

2.6 We apologize to the rights holders and to Amazon with our sincerity on behalf of our whole company again. We promise we correct our mistakes. Please trust us and give us a chance.

3.Additional information we let Amazon know

We are a new company.





We have supplied the essential materials ...

Best Regards

注意的是这些模板只是提供给你一个申诉思路,生搬硬套是不会真实的表达出一个 人的真情实感的。所以不要直接摘抄,直接模仿,你的邮件内容反映出来的内容 必须是真诚、诚恳、有说服力的,制定的计划必须是切实可靠的,邮件不必太长,一个人的接受能力有限,亚马逊工作人员也是,所以懂得什么是重点很重要。

版权声明:iow 发表于 2022年1月26日 pm1:52。
转载请注明:亚马逊申诉模板 | 蘑菇跨境
