【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

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【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系


没关系,Shopee 虾虾编帮大家整理老师上课汇整的范本,提供大家参考使用:

请大家尽量使用,如果要转载,请注明出处 ???? Shopee 菲律宾电商平台!

情境(一)???? 商品若从中国进口,是否携带新冠病毒而可能有传染风险?

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

???? 卖家可以将此图片放置于店铺首页或者聊聊回复中,以打消顾客的疑虑。

???? 图片来自 WHO世卫组织官方Twitter

????‍♀️ 「来自中国的包裹是否安全?」

????‍♂️ 「是安全的。接收来自中国的包裹不会有感染冠状病毒的风险。病毒不能在信件或包裹之类的物体上长时间存活。」


Thank you for your interest in our shop's products! As per official announcement from the World Health Organization, "People receiving packages from China are not at risk of contracting Coronavirus. Viruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages". As packages delivered from China will go through a longer shipment time, please rest assured that there will be no potential danger and that your parcel will be delivered to you safely. 

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(二)???? 订单完成时间较长,买家主动申请取消


Dear esteemed buyer, we are very sorry that your order fulfilment is taking longer than expected. Our shop is working hard to deliver your order as quickly as possible. While we hope that you can bear with us in the meantime, we respectfully understand should you decide to cancel your order with us this time. Sincerely apologize for your inconvenience and hope that we can serve you better next time. Thanks for your kind understanding.

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(三)???? 已产生订单,但由于疫情关系无法出货,预期 OOOO 时复工


Thank you for shopping at our store. We apologize that we are currently still experiencing difficulties in fulfilling your order due to the global coronavirus outbreak and the Lockdown. We expect that the shipping process will return to normal after <insert date 日期>. In the meantime, our shop is working hard to deliver your order to you as quickly as possible. Sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your kind understanding. 

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(四)???? 已产生订单,但由于疫情关系无法出货,也无法确定复工时间


Thank you for shopping at our store. We apologize that we are currently still experiencing difficulties in fulfilling your order due to the global coronavirus outbreak and the Lockdown. Owing to the dynamic situation on the ground, we are unable to confirm your order ship-out date. Sincerely sorry for the repeated delays and thank you for your kind understanding.

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(五)???? 卖家目前能部分发货,但物流配送时间不确定


Thank you for shopping at our store. We have partially commenced ship-out process for the orders we received within the Lockdown period. However, we are currently unable to confirm your order ship-out date due to the limitation logistics caused by the global coronavirus outbreak and the Lockdown. Our team is working hard to fulfil your order as quickly as possible. Sincerely apologize for the repeated delays and thank you for your kind understanding. 

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(六)???? 卖家目前能部分发货,有预计的复工时间


Thank you for shopping at our store. We have partially commenced ship-out process for the orders we received within the Lockdown period. Our team is working hard to fulfil all orders as quickly as possible and we expect that the shipping process will return to normal after <insert date 日期>. Sincerely apologize for the repeated delays and thank you for your kind understanding.

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

情境(七)???? 卖家复工且物流营运恢复正常


Thank you for shopping at our store. We have already started shipping out the orders we received within the Lockdown period. The shipping process is already back to normal and our team is working hard to fulfil all orders as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologize for the repeated delays and thanks for your kind understanding.

【抗疫专栏】疫情期间 - 如何维系良好客户沟通关系

版权声明:iow 发表于 2022年8月16日 am9:26。
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