​亚马逊Bullet Points怎么设置?

跨境头条 3年前 (2022) iow
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亚马逊Bullet Points是listing优化中非常重要的环节,在亚马逊listing的优化过程中,一个清晰明了的Bullet Points是获得买家好感的重要手段之一。卖家所销售的产品的关键特性,也就是产品的卖点,能够让买家一眼看去就被吸引,从而决定进一步浏览和了解卖家的产品。所以listing中Bullet Points的设置,也是非常重要的,下面为大家介绍亚马逊Bullet Points怎么设置?

​亚马逊Bullet Points怎么设置?

亚马逊Bullet Points怎么设置?

  亚马逊的Bullet Points相对于其他跨境电商平台更加简单明了。卖家可以列5个Bullet Points,5个Bullet Points不代表着只能是5个单词或者句子。

  为了最大程度地使用Bullet Points,卖家可以使用2-4个短句,而且重点描述产品的特点和优势。另外,在Bullet Points中,卖家应该说明或者解释产品之前被差评的地方以及被误解产生歧意的地方。

  假如你的产品评论中有买家说误解了产品,并提起投诉,那你就更加需要马上更新Bullet Points避免问题再次发生了。

  卖家可以使用前3条Bullet Points来体现产品最重要的特征。以下是一个例子:

  ·LUXURIOUS DOWN FABRIC IS SOFT & ELEGANT Our premium down comforter hugs you in incredibly silky soft comfort. While other comforters can be scratchy and leave you tossing the covers off, you’ll want to snuggle up all night with ours.

  ·ADVANCED TEMPERATURE CONTROL KEEPS YOU COMFORTABLE One of the most annoying things about most down comforters is that they can get too hot. Our patent-pending material regulates your temperature, ensuring you stay at the optimal temperature all night, every night.

  ·UNIQUE DESIGN KEEPS DOWN MATERIAL FROM SHIFTING Using chambers woven together to prevent shifting, our premium down fill remains where it is supposed to be. You’ll never have to worry about waking up clinging to an empty comforter again.

  之后,用剩下的两条Bullet Points来回答你产品常见的问题,或说明你的产品经常引起误解的地方,如下:

  ·FITS ALL QUEEN MATTRESSES Our down comforter has been designed to fit all queen mattresses. Don’t risk a bad fit with an inexpensive comforter. Insist on the best.

  ·100% 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied for any reason, simply return your comforter for a full refund, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose.

  而且在Bullet Points的开头,你还能用大写字母来突出你的关键词。

  但是需要警惕的是,亚马逊不允许卖家在listing中包含“Seller Warranty(卖家保修)”,但允许“Manufacturer’s Warranty”。

版权声明:iow 发表于 2022年8月18日 pm5:25。
转载请注明:​亚马逊Bullet Points怎么设置? | 蘑菇跨境
