
跨境头条 2年前 (2022) iow
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  最新消息 Investors exhaled last weekend when Donald Trump pulled back from an escalatory tariff war with Mexico. But their relief is bound to be shortlived. Whenever the US president finds fault with another country, he reaches first for tariffs. His grievances need have nothing to do with trade: in Mexico’s case, Mr Trump was furious at the persistence of the migrant crisis on the US border. Nor does he try to link his actions to statutory cause. Mr Trump threatened Mexico under a 1977 act that authorises the president to impose penalties on America’s enemies, terrorist states and other pariahs. Mexico does not resemble any such country.

  上周末,当唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)从与墨西哥开打一场关税战争的悬崖边缘后退时,投资者松了一口气。但他们的宽慰注定是短暂的。每当美国总统想找另一个国家的茬时,他首先会祭出关税手段。他的怨气并不需要与贸易有任何关系:就墨西哥而言,特朗普对美国南部边境持续面临移民危机感到愤怒。他也没有试图把自己的行为与法定事由联系起来。特朗普根据1977年的一部法律威胁墨西哥,该法授权总统对美国的敌人、恐怖主义国家和其他无赖国家施以惩罚。墨西哥不像任何这样的国家。

  The same applies to his serial misuse of section 232, intended to protect the US from strategic threats, to impose tariffs on America’s friends. Under no sensible assessment can Canadian metals, or European cars, be defined as a threat to US national security. Mr Trump shows every sign of continuing to abuse his powers. It is long overdue for Congress to reclaim its constitutional role on trade.


  To be fair to the normally acquiescent Republicans, Mr Trump’s party has led the way in opposing his Mexico belligerence. Normally loyal senators, such as Ted Cruz of Texas and Iowa’s Chuck Grassley, attacked Mr Trump’s over-reach. Others, including Utah’s Mike Lee and Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey, are drafting a bill that would limit the president’s powers. Such a law is firmly in the US national interest.

  应该承认,虽然共和党人通常默许特朗普的行为,但特朗普所属的政党带头反对他对墨西哥摆出的好斗姿态。通常忠诚的参议员,如德克萨斯州的特德•克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)和爱荷华州的查克•格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley),都批评了特朗普的过分行为。其他一些人,包括犹他州的迈克•李(Mike Lee)和宾夕法尼亚州的帕特•图米(Pat Toomey),正在起草一项限制总统权力的法案。这样的法律绝对符合美国的国家利益。

版权声明:iow 发表于 2022年8月23日 am10:53。
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