
跨境头条 2年前 (2022) iow
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1. 含酒精的饮料或任何种类的产品,包括粉状酒精 Alcoholic beverages or products of any kind, including powdered alcohol

2. 可收集的酒精 Collectible alcohol

3. 未标识说明的可收集酒精容器 Empty collectible alcoholic container not identified as empty in the description

4. 非酒精性葡萄酒和啤酒 Non-alcoholic wine and beer


1. 动物疫苗 Animal vaccines

2. 需要处方的动物药品Animal medicines requiring a prescription

3. 动物器官或含有器官的动物尸体 Animal organs or animal corpses that contain organs

4. 阿拉斯加本土与熊相关的任何物品 Alaskan Native items with anything from a bear

5. 与熊相关的陷阱、钢颚夹腿陷阱以及类似物品Bear traps, steel jaw leg-hold traps and similar items

6. 象牙、实际象牙含量超过5%的制成品、来自生产象牙的动物骨头Ivory, manufactured items with more than 5% of actual ivory, bones from animals that produce ivory"

7. 由海洋哺乳动物制成的物品 Items made from marine mammals

8. 活体动物、昆虫和其他野生动物Live animals, insects, and other wildlife

9. 美洲本土带有羽毛或受保护鸟类的相关物品Native American items with feather(s) or other parts of protected birds

10. "濒危或受威胁物种的零件或产品,如熊、美洲狮、猫、狗、鲸鱼、鲨鱼、海豚或鼠海豚 Parts or products from endangered or threatened species such as bears, mountain lions, cats, dogs, whales, sharks, dolphins, or porpoises"

11. 1918年《候鸟公约法》中禁止销售的产品 Products prohibited from sale under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

12. 天然毛皮产品或用天然毛皮修剪的产品Natural fur products or products trimmed with natural fur

13. 用驴皮制成的产品Products made from the hide of a donkey


侵犯任何版权或商标的艺术品的未经授权的拷贝Unauthorized copies or reproductions of artwork that violate any copyright or trademark


1. 古文物Artifacts

2. 化石Fossils

3. 地质构造Geological formations

4. 遗迹Relics

5. 遗骸Remains

6. 神圣和部落物品Sacred and tribal items


1. 驾照和其他政府颁发的身份证件Drivers licenses and other government-issued ID documents

2. 需要注册的机动车辆Motorized vehicles that require registration

3. 氧气传感器模拟器Oxygen sensor simulators

4. 可绕过排放控制装置或超越故障指示器的产品 Products intended to bypass emission control devices or override malfunction indicators

5. 收费亭系统 Toll booth systems

6. 车辆识别号码牌 Vehicle Identification Number plates

7. 旨在隐藏或模糊牌照的产品 Products intended to conceal or obscure a license plate

8. 迷你自行车和沙滩车Mini Bikes & ATVs


1. 使用未授权照片的产品Products or compilations using unauthorized photos

2. 任何类型的亲笔签名或签字Autographs or signatures of any type

3. 未经授权的仿造品Unauthorized reproductions

4. 任何侵犯他人商标或版权的物品Any items that violate another’s trademarks or copyrights


1. 任何需要处方或医疗专业人员监督或指导使用的化妆品Any cosmetic products that require a prescription or a medical professional's supervision or direction for their use"

2. 任何打开和使用过的产品 Any opened and used products

3. 包装被篡改的任何产品 Any products with tampered packaging

4. 任何不符合FDA要求的产品,包括相关标签Any products that don't comply with FDA requirements including labeling

5. 过期产品 Expired products

6. 含有受控物质的产品Products containing controlled substances

7. 测试品 Testers


1. 金条 Bullion

2. 伪造硬币、钞票、债券、汇票、证券、邮票和用于制造这些物品的设备 Counterfeit coins, bank notes, bonds, money orders, securities, stamps, and equipment use to make those items"

3. 证券、信贷、票据、留置权、部分持续业务、保险、未注销的可回收股票Securities, credit, notes, liens, portions of ongoing business, insurance, non- cancelled collectible stock certificates"

4. 州或联邦援助金State or federal assistance benefits

5. 提供资金访问的预付费访问产品,如实物或数字礼品卡Prepaid access products that provide access to funds, such as physical or digital gift cards"

Digital Goods数字化货币:

1. "所有数字化产品,包括但不限于货币、电子书、游戏、电影、歌曲All digital products, including, but not limited to, currency, eBooks, games, movies, songs"

2. 所有数字化交付的产品All digitally delivered products

Drugs & Medical Devices药品和医疗器械:

1. 管制物品Controlled substances

2. 毒品用具 Drug paraphernalia

3. 非法药物和麻醉品 Illegal drugs and narcotics

4. 药物管制局(DEA)指定的“清单I”化学品或其衍生物List I"" chemicals or their derivatives as designated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)"

5. 受到监管行动或刑事执法的产品 Products that are subject to regulatory action or criminal enforcement

6. 需要处方或医疗专业人员监督或指导使用的药物、装置或其他产品Drugs, devices, or other products that require prescription or medical professional's supervision or direction for their use"

7. 药片/药药片压缩机 Pill/Tablet press machines

8. 无法规批准或监管的产品 Products that do not have the required regulatory approvals

9. 被召回的产品 Products that have been recalled

10. 含有鹿茸、鲨鱼、鲸鱼、海豚或鼠海豚成分的产品 Products that contain deer antler velvet or ingredients derived from sharks, whales, dolphins, or porpoises"

11. 模拟任何非法药物效果的产品 Products that simulate the effects of any illegal drug

12. 带针头的注册器Syringes with needles

13. 兽药和器械Veterinary drugs and devices

14. 任何需要限制数量或需要消费者注册购买的药物 Any drugs that require quantity to be restricted or consumer purchases to be registered


1. 未经FCC设备授权计划批准,未获得授权和标签的任何产品,例如:Any products required to be approved under the FCC equipment authorization program that have not been so authorized and labeled, such as:

a) 无测试证明,不符合FCC排放限制的LED标牌 LED signs that have not been tested to demonstrate compliance with the FCC’s emissions limits

b) 必须由FCC认证但未贴有FCC I.D标签的无线通信设备Wireless communications devices that must be certified by the FCC and are not labeled with an FCC I.D. number

2. 任何未经FCC授权,用于替换或修改原设备中现有技术的产品设备。例如:Any devices that replace or modify the existing technology in a device without being properly authorized as required under FCC rules, such as:

a) 用于替换或修改视频游戏或游戏机中技术组件的设备 Devices that replace or modify technical components in a video game or game console

b) 更改或允许用户更改现有产品中的一个或多个频道,以在未授权或受限频道下运行的设备Devices that change or allow the user to change the frequency or frequencies in an existing product to operate on unauthorized or restricted frequencies

3. 任何以未经授权的频道运行的设备,例如:Any devices operating on unauthorized frequencies, such as:

a) 以无线电频率运行,用于分配到自动识别系统AIS的网络坐标,Fishing net buoys operating on radio frequencies assigned to Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)

b) 以联邦政府专用的频道运行的无人机Drones operating on frequencies that are reserved for Federal Government use

c) 任何类型的干扰器,包括会干扰小区,GPS,雷达或WiFi信号的设备 Jammers of any kind, including devices that interfere with cell, GPS, radar, or WiFi signals

4. 任何可检测或干扰执法或公共安全设备的仪器,例如: Any devices that detect or interfere with law enforcement or public safety equipment, such as:

a) 检测警察摄像机、传感器或类似设备的仪器 Devices that detect police cameras, sensors, or similar equipment

b) 用于影响交通信号运行或阻止红灯摄像机检测的产品 Products designed to affect the operation of traffic signals or block detection by red-light cameras

5. 与CB收音机兼容的功率放大器 Power amplifiers compatible with CB radios

6. 不允许使用的手机设备,例如:Impermissible cell phone devices, such as:

a) 手机解锁装置Cell phone unlocking devices

b) 已解码的手机Jailbroken cell phones

7. 可以规避受版权保护的数字产品的软件,硬件和设备(例如书籍),例如:Software, hardware and devices (e.g., books) that enable the circumvention of copy-protected digital products, such as:

a) 启动磁盘、卡、模拟器或加载程序Boot disks, cards, emulators, or loaders

b) 输入转换器Import converters

c) 卫星和有线电视解扰器Satellite and cable TV descramblers

d) 用于规避版权保护DVD 的DVD复刻机, duplicators that circumvent protections against copyright infringement

e) 更改蓝光播放器,以禁用区域编码Blu-ray players altered to disable region coding


1. 被认为不安全或掺假的食物(例如召回的食品)Foods deemed unsafe or adulterated (e.g., recalled food items)

2. 过期食品 Expired food

3. 含有药物声明的食品 Foods that contain drug claims

4. 婴儿配方奶粉 Infant formula

5. 新鲜食物 Fresh food

6. 需要冷藏的非货架稳定食品 Non-shelf stable food that requires refrigeration

7. 糖衣杏仁或类似的食用食物Dragées or similar inedible food decorations


任何葬礼物品,包括棺材、骨灰瓮和墓Any funeral items, including caskets, funeral urns and grave markers


1. "任何仅用于商业、工业或专业用途的化学物质或化合物,一般消费者不可购买 Any chemical substance or compound that is intended for commercial, industrial, or professional use only and is not available for general consumer purchase"

2. EPA或其他监管机构由于其危险状态禁止销售的产品Products prohibited from sale by the EPA or other regulatory agency due to its hazardous status

3. 爆炸物 Explosives

4. 完全受监管的物品 Fully regulated items

5. 放射性或污染材料 Radioactive or contaminated material

6. 烟花Fireworks

7. "不符合FIFRA要求的农药,包括化学农药,农药设备和经处理的物品 Pesticides that are not in compliance with FIFRA, including chemical pesticides, pesticide devices, and treated articles"


1. 加垫婴儿床保险杠、加垫婴儿床垫Padded baby crib bumpers, padded crib liners

2. 带磁性的家用产品Home Magnetics products


1. 任何鼓励或支持非法活动的产品 Any products encouraging or enabling illegal activity

2. 任何违反适用法律的产品 Any products that violate applicable laws

3. 任何包含病毒、特洛伊木马、间谍软件或恶意代码的产品 Any products that contain viruses, trojan horses, spyware or malicious code

4. 被盗或假冒产品 Stolen or counterfeit products

Infringing Products侵权产品:

违反或侵犯任何知识产权或其他第三方权利的产品 Products that violate or infringe upon any intellectual property right or other third party right


1. 不符合适用法律或法规的珠宝 Jewelry that does not comply with applicable laws or regulations

2. "含有透明度增强的白钻或不符合Kimberly Process制度要求的钻石的珠宝 Jewelry containing clarity-enhanced white diamonds or diamonds that do not comply with the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme"

3. 易松的宝石 Loose gemstones

4. 含有争议矿物的珠宝 Jewelry that contains conflict minerals

Miscellaneous – Unsafe不安全产品:

1. 固定于婴儿脖子,用于漂浮的产品Infant Neck Floats

2. 用于观看日食的眼镜Solar Eclipse Glasses

Native American Products美国原住民产品:

1. 被描述为“美国原住民”或“印第安人”的任何物品,或印第安部落名称,如果该物品不是由州或联邦认可的部落的成员制造的,或者不是由公认的部落认证为印第安工匠制造的物品。 需根据《印第安工艺美术法》以及印第安工艺美术委员会的指导。有关更多信息,请致电202-208-3773与印第安工艺美术委员会(IACB)联系。Any item described as ""Native American” or “Indian” or the name of an Indian tribe if the item is not made by a member of a state or federally recognized tribe or someone certified as an Indian artisan by a recognized tribe. Items must comply with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act and guidance of the Department of the Interior, Indian Arts and Crafts Board.  For more information, contact Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB) at 202-208-3773


1. 展示露骨裸露或粗俗语言的产品 Products that display explicit nudity or vulgar language

2. 包含淫秽材料或色情的产品 Products that contain obscene material or pornography

3. 包含未成年人的裸照或部分裸照的产品Products that contain nude or partially nude images of minors

4. 以下不敏感的方式描绘、美化或宣传的产品 Products that either portray, glorify or promote in an insensitive way:

a) 虐待动物animal cruelty

b) 任何历史或新闻事件any historical or news events

c) 犯罪或非法活动criminal or illegal activity

基于种族、族裔、性别、性取向、宗教或国籍的贬损性成见derogatory stereotyping based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality

d) 仇恨hatred

e) 不能容忍的intolerance

f) 自然或人为灾害natural or man-made disaster(s)

g) 悲剧tragedy

h) 暴力violence

5. 向儿童或青少年销售或针对儿童或青少年的不适龄产品 Products marketed to or targeted at kids or teenagers that are age- inappropriate

Plant, Plant Products, Seeds植物,植物产品,种子:

1. 非法植物、植物产品或种子 Illegal plants, plant products, or seeds

2. 受联邦、省或地方政府检疫或其他限制的植物、植物产品或种子 Plants, plant products, or seeds subject to federal, provincial, or local government quarantine or other restriction

3. 被视为受控物质的植物,植物产品或种子Plants, plant products, or seeds that are considered to be a controlled substance


标记为“可生物降解”,“可堆肥化”,“可降解”,“可分解”或这些术语中任何形式的塑料产品,包括产品的塑料包装或包装组件Plastic products, including a product’s plastic package or packaging component, that are labeled or marketed as ‘biodegradable’, ‘degradable’, ‘compostable’, ‘decomposable’ or any form of these terms 

Police and Military Grade Products警用和军用级产品:

1. "任何形式的徽章,无论是真实徽章还是复制品,包括隐藏武器许可证,政府机构或部门,TSA,私人保安公司,私人侦探,特殊活动和电影道具徽章Badges of any kind, whether real or reproductions, including concealed weapons permit, government agency or department, TSA, private security company, private investigator, special event, and movie prop badges"

2. 徽章补丁Badge patches

3. 执法身份证或凭证Law enforcement ID cards or credentials

4. 胡椒喷雾/棍子Pepper spray/mace

5. 电击棒,泰瑟枪和仿制伪装电击枪Stun batons, Tasers, and disguised stun guns

6. 催泪瓦斯Tear gas

7. 可隐藏的武器Weapons designed to be concealed

8. 防弹装备Bulletproof gear

Recalled Items召回物品:

任何曾经或目前被召回产品 Any product that has been or currently is subject to a recall


1. 任何受法律年龄限制的产品 Any product that is age-restricted by law

2. 沃尔玛认为不适合销售的任何产品,包括但不限于: Any products that in Walmart’s discretion are not appropriate for sale including, but not limited to:

a) 成人用品adult products

b) "定制化(例如图像,文字)产品,包括但不限于服装,家居装饰,配件custom content (e.g. imagery, text) products including but not limited to apparel, home décor, accessories"

c) 赌博产品gambling products

d) 政府发布的文件和产品government-issued documents and products

e) 与军事和警察有关的物品military and police related items

f) 新奇打火机novelty lighters

g) 不符合沃尔玛标准的翻新产品refurbished products that do not comply with Walmart standards

h) 特定产品或品牌名称specific products or brand names

i) 监视装置和设备surveillance device(s) and equipment

根据适用法律,无法在美国所有州销售的产品Any product that cannot be sold in all U.S. states under applicable laws

3. 任何沃尔玛或山姆会员店的私人品牌或独家产品 Any Walmart or Sam’s Club Private Label or Exclusive product


1. Beta代码 Beta codes

2. Beta 密匙Beta keys

3. Beta软件Beta software

4. OEM软件 OEM software

5. 恢复类软件(捆绑或独立)Recovery software (bundled or stand-alone)

6. 未预装在硬件上的翻新软件Refurbished software that is not preloaded on refurbished hardware


任何类型活动的门票(数字化门票或实物)Tickets (digital or physical) to events of any kind


1. 雪茄 Cigars

2. 香烟 Cigarettes

3. 电子香烟 E-cigarettes

4. "其他烟草/尼古丁产品,包括可收藏烟草和可收藏烟草产品

5. Other tobacco/nicotine products including collectible tobacco and collectible tobacco products

Weapons – Game Guns and Projectiles武器–游戏枪和射弹类产品:

1. "气枪、气枪、BB枪、弹丸枪、彩弹枪、仿真枪或任何类型的枪支Airsoft, air guns, BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, replica/imitation guns, or firearms of any type"

2. 气枪或飞镖枪Blow guns or dart guns

3. 弹弓类Sling shots

4. "任何类型的弹药(包括弹丸,BB,飞镖,彩弹射击,弹弓射击弹药)或用于制造弹药的任何产品Ammunition of any type (including pellets, BBs, darts, paintballs, sling shot ammunition) or any product used to create ammunition"

5. 用于增强威力的配件Accessories used to enhance firepower

6. 任何包含可见光激光的配件Any accessory containing a visual-spectrum laser

7. 所有类型的剪辑和杂志All varieties of clips and magazines

8. 任何类型的手榴弹和榴弹发射器(包括气枪和彩弹) Grenades and grenade launchers of any type (including airsoft and paintball)

9. 高尔夫球发射器或弩 Golf ball launchers or toothpick crossbows

Weapons – Firearms武器——枪械:

1. 用于制造、更新或增强威力的任何类型的枪支或单个零件 Firearms of any type or individual parts used to build, update, or enhance a firearm

2. 任何类型的弹药或用于制造弹药的产品Ammunition of any type or any product used to create ammunition

3. 任何枪支相关的文章杂志All varieties of clips and magazines

4. 高速装载机Speedloaders

5. 用于增强火力的任何火器附件,包括枪口制动器、缓冲装置、轨道、枪筒罩、前向手枪把手和半自动手枪的带螺纹的枪筒Any firearm accessory used to enhance firepower including muzzle brakes, bump stocks, rails, barrel shrouds, forward pistol grips, and threaded barrels for semiautomatic pistols

6. 刺刀Bayonets

7. 火药和炸药Gunpowder and explosive targets

8. 枪支框架、接收器、枪支套件、攻击性武器零部件/配件/说明/蓝图(即使它们可与非攻击性武器一起使用)Firearm frames, receivers, firearm kits, assault weapon parts/accessories/instructions/blueprints (even if they can be used with non-assault weapons)

9. 与攻击性武器相关的产品Any product associated with assault weapons

10. 任何类型的手榴弹和榴弹发射器Grenades and grenade launchers of any type

11. 手枪改装套件Pistol conversion kits

12. 用于隐藏枪支射击的声音或图像的配件,包括:消音器、闪光抑制装置、口套、抑制装置Accessories used to conceal sound or sight of firearm shot including silencers, flash suppressors, muzzles, suppressors

13. 用于制造消音器的产品Products commonly used to make silencers

14. 腰带内部(IWB)携带皮套Inside the Waistband (IWB) Carrying Holster

15. 脚踝携带枪套Ankle Carrying Holster

16. 隐藏在手提包、公文包、钱包中的枪套Holsters concealed within handbags, briefcase, purse

17. 肩带Shoulder Harness

18. 隐藏式护腿Concealment Leggings

19. 隐藏式便携包Concealment Carry Jacket

Weapons – Non-projectile武器——非弹射类:

1. 作为武器销售的斧和弯刀不是纯粹的装饰品,也不是为家庭装修、打猎、露营或其他类似的娱乐用途而设计的Axes and machetes marketed as weapons that are not purely ornament and are not designed for home improvement, hunting, camping, or other similar recreational use

2. 弹簧辅助,剑柄,蝴蝶,重力,自动,从前部,伞兵,推匕首,弹簧刀(和复制品/仿制弹簧刀),细高跟鞋,刀或斜刀,靴子刀或任何隐藏或伪装的刀Spring-assisted, balisong, butterfly, gravity, automatic, out the front, paratrooper, push dagger, switchblade (and replica/imitation switchblades), stiletto, shobi-zue or slasher knives, boot knives or any knives that are hidden or disguised

版权声明:iow 发表于 2022年12月27日 pm2:59。
转载请注明:沃尔玛平台禁售产品清单 | 蘑菇跨境
